The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Fact Sheet
Effective Messaging for Promoting Walking and Biking

We’ve updated our guide to effectively communicating about walking and biking with a new section focused on equity language and framing.

Fact Sheet
Equity in Safe Routes to Parks

This series of fact sheets offers ideas and examples of strategies to advance equity in every stage of the Safe Routes to Parks Action Framework.

Fact Sheet
School District Policies

One important way to strengthen your Safe Routes to School program is by passing a Safe Routes to School district policy. 

California's Active Transportation Program

This guide will help California communities understand the process of applying to the Active Transportation Program, with our recommendations for how to plan for, draft and submit your application.

Case Study
Large Trucks, Little Children

In this case study, we explore how economic growth and poor land use planning are contributing to the decline in community health for the Inland Valley, especially for low-income people and communities of color in the region.

Promoting Shared Use

Shared use is a tool that property owners can use to fill a need in their community for recreational facilities and increase opportunities for physical activity. This guide covers two types of promotion: promoting your shared use space to program providers and promoting the activities and programs to community members.

Fact Sheet
Walk to School Day

When kids walk to school, they improve their health, gain independence and confidence, and arrive at school ready to learn. A Walk to School Day event is a simple starting place for getting students started safely walking to school, and introducing schools, families, and community groups to Safe Routes to School.

Safe Routes to School Messaging for Pros

This toolkit provides school districts and schools with guidance and resources for a comprehensive communications strategy that supports Safe Routes to School.

Fact Sheet
Frequent Routes to Funding

This fact sheet describes key steps to ensure your program is well positioned for funding, provides ideas for where to look for funding, and highlights the breadth of funding sources that programs from around the country are currently accessing.

Fact Sheet
Putting the "Safe" in Safe Routes to Parks

This fact sheet highlights the importance of improving personal safety from crime and violence in order to promote park access.