The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Fact Sheet
Tactical Urbanism and Safe Routes to School

Pop-up Safe Routes to School projects such as temporary crosswalks, curb extensions, and roundabouts to show how easy it is to make changes that make it safer and more inviting for kids to walk and bicycle to school.

Wolf Whistles and Creepy Compliments

This report provides background on street harassment, discusses some potential approaches to addressing street harassment, and summarizes lessons from these approaches that may be applicable for Safe Routes to School programs.

Fact Sheet
Un manual sobre las rutas seguras a la escuela

Spanish translation of Safe Routes to School primer.

Case Study
Case Studies on Active Transportation Funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, Shared Use, and Environmental Justice

These new resources tell the stories of state- and local-level campaign wins for active transportation funding, Safe Routes to School, Complete Streets, shared use, and environmental justice policies. 

Fact Sheet
Mind the Gap

Traveling outside the neighborhood for food access can be complicated without a car. This two-page fact sheet describes why public transit matters for food access and strategies for improving healthy food access.

Fact Sheet
The Wheels on the Bus Go to the Grocery Store

This fact sheet outlines the role of transit agencies in improving food access, offers examples from transit agencies across the country, and shares solutions that will allow transit agencies to create or strengthen the connection between neighborhoods and grocery stores.

Fact Sheet
Effective Messaging for Promoting Biking and Walking

This fact sheet includes tips and best practices for effective messaging as well as a media inventory of campaigns promoting biking and walking.

Fact Sheet
Safe Routes to Parks Action Framework

The Safe Routes to Parks Action Framework provides local governments with evidence- and practice-based guidance on creating safe and equitable access to parks for all people. 

Step by Step: How to Start a Walking School Bus at Your School

This toolkit is designed to help parents, educators, and community members plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders.