Safe Routes to School E-News is a monthly e-mail newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership, a network of hundreds of local, state and national organizations, non-profits and businesses that are working to advance the Safe Routes to School national movement in the United States.

The Safe Routes to School E-News includes national Safe Routes to School news, state updates, events and Safe Routes Partnership information. We welcome your Safe Routes to School news and story ideas and encourage you to send them to for possible publication.

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All Safe Routes Partnership partner affiliates automatically receive Safe Routes to School E-News. There is no charge to become a partner and we invite your organization to officially join the National Partnership. If your organization or agency is prohibited from joining, or if you are an individual, you are still welcome to sign up to receive our E-News below.

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 CA state network
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 Elected Official
 Environmental Professional
 Government Employee
 Health Professional
 Housing Professional
 School Personnel
 Transportation Professional