The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Fact Sheet, Case Study
At the Intersection of Environmental Justice and Safe Routes to School in Muscoy, CA

Grassroots organizing takes root as community members and advocates in Muscoy, CA worked together to achieve wins for walking, biking, and Safe Routes to School.

Fact Sheet, Case Study
Bringing Safe Routes to School to the Modesto Airport Neighborhood

The Modesto Airport Neighborhood is a suburban community in the Central Valley that had not historically received much in the way of Safe Routes to School investment and attention. 

Fact Sheet
"But How Will We Pay For It?" Active Transportation Funding Mechanisms: Municipal Bonds 101

This fact sheet explains one way to fund active transportation improvements: bonds. It covers what bonds are, how they can be used to pay for active transportation infrastructure, and provides advice for advocates interested in using this method to pay for active transportation.

Advocating for Safer Streets on Salem's First Family-Friendly Neighborhood Greenway

The city of Salem, Oregon has increasingly recognized the important role of biking and walking as a way of getting around the city.

Case Study
Equity and Safety in Portland’s Regional Transportation Plan

Portland has a reputation as being one of the best cities for biking in the country. But while investments over the past several decades have been focused on downtown and affluent close-in neighborhoods, low-income communities and communities of color in the greater Portland region have been historically marginalized and underinvested in.

Fact Sheet
Safe Routes to Healthy Food: Recommendations for Regional Planning Organizations

No one should have to risk their life walking alongside fast moving traffic or spend two hours on the bus just to get to the grocery store. 

Incorporating Equity into Safe Routes to Parks (Updated)
This webinar provides an in-depth look at how to incorporate equity into Safe Routes to Parks efforts. 
Investing in Health: Robust Local Active Transportation Financing for Healthy Communities

This report provides an overview of the key role that active transportation financing can play in developing healthy communities.

Building Blocks: A Guide to Starting and Growing a Safe Routes to School Program

Safe Routes to School is a great way to help students be healthy and have fun on the way to school. This toolkit will help you kick off a new Safe Routes to School program or strengthen your existing one.

Paso a Paso

Esta guía le sirve a proveer una descripción clara de cómo planificar y organizar un autobús caminante escolar usando voluntarios adultos como líderes.