This report provides an overview of beneficial approaches taken by MPOs to advance health, support walking and biking, and create more equitable communities.

The report details opportunities to advance health within the basic functions of MPOs, as well as setting out the many creative ways that MPOs act to develop healthy, equitable communities. Examples address how MPOs provide for active transportation through core operations, such as the long range transportation plan, and through other functions, such as providing funding to local agencies to build their healthy transportation capacity or creating innovative regional programs supporting safe routes to healthy destinations. The report describes ways that MPO staff and advocates can work together to advance health and equity.

Along with this report, we have published a companion report called Metropolitan Planning Organizations & Health 101: The Nuts and Bolts of Regional Transportation Agencies. The companion report provides a thorough introduction to MPOs for a health, equity, or community advocacy audience, supplying a detailed explanation of how MPOs operate, their structure, decision making, and key roles and duties.

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