Legislation & Implementation

Sign On to Support Our Complete Streets Bill! Letters of Support due Wednesday, April 12

The Safe Routes Partnership is sponsoring a bill in the California legislature this session that would require complete streets improvements to be made on state highways within California. Senate Bill 760 sets new policies and allocates funding to help Caltrans implement the agency’s already adopted Strategic Management Plan goals to make streets safer and more accessible for everyone, including children, seniors, and families, and to accommodate all transportation modes, includi

Coming Soon: 2017 Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Competition

The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) has released the final version of the guidelines for the 2017 Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities program (AHSC). This program provides grants for transit-oriented development that reduces greenhouse gas emissions.  It focuses on increasing the accessibility of housing, jobs, and key destinations through walking, biking and transit.

Shaping New Funding Sources from SB 1

CalTrans held two workshops this week to solicit feedback on the guidelines for two new programs, Transportation Planning grants and Climate Change Adaptation Planning grants, which were created by Senate Bill 1.  At Monday’smeeting in Los Angeles, Caltrans officials met with advocates (including the Safe Routes Partnership) and representatives from local jurisdictions, transit authorities and metropolitan planning organizations to discuss the guidelines and desired goals of the program.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California