Legislation & Implementation

Cap-and-Trade Program Update: AHSC Awards Announced; Guidelines for Many Cap-and-Trade Programs To Be Released This Fall

With this year’s cap-and-trade revenue budget (also known as the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund or GGRF) finalized by the Governor’s signing of AB 1613, the agencies implementing the programs that receive this funding are busy promulgating guidelines for the next call for applications.

Cap-and-Trade Program Updates: AHSC, Urban Greening and Transformational Climate Communities Fund Active Transportation!

It’s been a busy fall for the agencies administering the grant programs funded through cap-and-trade (Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fundor GGRF for short). Awards have been announced for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities (AHSC) program and Guidelines posted for the Urban Greening (UG) and Transformational Climate Communities (TCC) programs.

Revised Guidelines for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities Program Released

The Strategic Growth Council (SGC) has released revised guidelines for the Affordable Housing Sustainable Communities program in advance of a third round of funding expected this summer. The program funds grants for active transportation as part of larger affordable housing developments, transit-oriented developments and integrated connectivity projects.

California State Budget and the Active Transportation Program

The Governor Jerry Brown administration released its May Revision to the State budget on May 11. The May Revise does not include major changes to transportation funding, as that was handled in a major transportation deal that resulted in the the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, SB 1. SB 1 provides ten years’ worth of funding for transportation improvements across the state, including $100 million a year in new funding for the Active Transportation Program (ATP).

Legislative Update: Bills Supporting Active Transportation & Safe Routes to School

We are excited to be working with our statewide coalition partners to advance a number of bills in this year’s legislative session, including a Transportation Equity Package of bills that together will improve sustainable, affordable transportation options across the state, especially for low-income Californians.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California