California State Budget and the Active Transportation Program

The Governor Jerry Brown administration released its May Revision to the State budget on May 11. The May Revise does not include major changes to transportation funding, as that was handled in a major transportation deal that resulted in the the Road Repair and Accountability Act of 2017, SB 1. SB 1 provides ten years’ worth of funding for transportation improvements across the state, including $100 million a year in new funding for the Active Transportation Program (ATP). The May Revise includes an additional $395,000 and two positions for the California Transportation Commission (CTC) to manage the expanded Active Transportation Program. In addition, at its last meeting, the CTC adopted a plan to use some of the funding that is immediately available to the ATP from the passage of SB 1 to fund some of the high scoring projects from the last ATP round of applications (cycle 3).

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Safe Routes to School in California