Our mission is to advocate for safe walking and bicycling to and from schools, and in daily life, to improve the health and well-being of America’s students and their families and to foster the creation of livable, sustainable communities.

Our Story

In 2007, the Safe Routes Partnership initiated the State Network Project to establish SRTS networks in nine states and the District of Columbia. That work has continued over the years in different states including California.

In January 2012 the Safe Routes Partnership initiated the Regional Network project. The regional network project launched in 2010 with support from Kaiser Permanente in the areas of Southern California, the Greater Washington DC Area and in the Atlanta Region. We brought our efforts to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2012 and the Portland, OR region in 2013.

Our California state and regional networks in California work to bring together advocacy groups, parents, community members, government agencies, and other leaders. They also help ensure that Safe Routes to School funds succeed in California, leverage additional resources, and address and improve regional transportation policies.

Email Jonathan Matz, California Senior Policy Manager, at jonathan@saferoutespartnership.org if you have questions, concerns, or just want to get involved.

Many thanks to Kaiser Permanente and The California Endowment for their support of the Safe Routes Partnership’s work in California.

Our Staff

matzJonathan Matz, California Senior Policy Manager

Los Angeles, CA

jonathan@saferoutespartnership.org | (323) 422-4948

Jonathan Matz serves as California Senior Policy Manager for the Safe Routes Partnership. In this role, he works to promote state and local policies that facilitate active transportation and safe streets. Additionally, he advises governments and agencies in low income communities on safe streets policy and helps them build capacity and secure funding for Safe Routes to School infrastrucure and planning through California's Active Transportation Program and other sources.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California