ATP Cycle 5 Boosted by $500 million

Last month, we wrote about a letter we and our allies had sent requesting a $1 billion augmentation from the General Fund surplus. Since then, Governor Newsom proposed in his May budget revision, and the State Legislature has approved, a $500 million augmentation. While this is not as much as we hoped, it is a significant boost to the program, and more than was available in Cycle 5 originally.

More Funding is Needed for the Active Transportation Program

After the most competitive cycle yet of the Active Transportation Program, we and our partners in mobility and environmental justice advocacy are pushing for a $1 Billion augmentation to Cycle 5 from the State General Fund, which is currently benefiting from an unprecedented one-time surplus. This augmentation would be sufficient to fully fund all applications that received a score of at least 80 out of 100 in Cycle 5, a threshold that we believe should be the expectation in every future ATP cycle.

Funding Opportunity: Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grants

The Caltrans Sustainable Transportation Planning Grant program applications are now open! This grant program includes (1) Sustainable Communities grants to encourage local and regional planning that furthers state goals and (2) Strategic Partnerships Grants to identify and address statewide, interregional, or regional transportation deficiencies on the state highway system in partnership with Caltrans.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California