Legislation & Implementation

Governor’s Greenhouse Gas Plans Neglect Active Transportation

Governor Brown released his proposed expenditure plan for Cap and Trade proceeds (the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund). We were disappointed to see funds prioritized for Zero Emission Vehicles, which do not reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled or facilitate alternative modes of transportation, while programs such as TCC were sharply reduced.

Transportation Measure Goes to Bay Area Voters

The Bay Area Toll Authority voted to place a measure on the June ballot asking voters to approve toll hikes on all Bay Area bridges except the Golden Gate Bridge, over the next several years. The measure, RM3, requires a majority vote among voters in the all the 9 Bay Area counties and will seek a $1 toll increase in 2019, 2022, and in 2025. The Golden Gate Bridge is governed by an independent district that sets its own tolls.

California Considers Mandated Later School Start Times; Share Your Feedback!

The state legislature will likely vote again next year on legislation that would require middle and high schools to start no earlier than 8:30am. The bill, SB 328, is coauthored by Senator Anthony Portantino (D-La Cañada-Flintridge). It passed the Senate in May with a 31-25 vote but failed in the Assembly on a vote of 26-30.

California Legislature Passes Transportation Funding Package Including $1 Billion for ATP

Yesterday the California Senate and Assembly passed the long-gestating transportation funding package after a long debate. Senate Bill 1 will provide 10 years worth of funding for transportation improvements across the state, including $1 billion in new funding for the Active Transportation Program.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California