2017 Legislation That Impacts Safe Routes to School


The deadline to introduce bills in the 2017-18 California legislative session has passed, and the Safe Routes Partnership’s California policy staff has identified the following bills that impact active transportation and Safe Routes to School. We are sponsoring and/or supporting many of these with other state policy groups, while closely monitoring or opposing others. We will update this page as these bills progress through the legislative process.

Transportation Funding

SB 1 / AB 1These bills would fund transportation projects in the state for 10 years through a variety of tax and fee increases. Both bills include $80 million for ATP plus another $70M potentially available through Caltrans reform efficiencies, for a total of $150M. SB 1 has passed three Senate committees (Transportation & Housing; Environmental Quality; Governance & Finance) and should reach the Senate floor in mid-March. AB 1 has yet to move in the Assembly but is expected to move soon.

Our Position: Oppose unless amended. While we are supportive of the investment in ATP, we have serious concerns about the bill’s overall spending on roads and highways, and its lack of focus on equity and the State’s climate goals. Our concerns are laid out in this comment letter.

AB 96 / SB 72: These are the annual budget bills for each house, and are companions to the Governor’s budget proposal, announced January 10. The deadline to pass the budget is June 15.

Our Position: We support the $100M additional investment in ATP. See our previous post for more details on the Governor’s budget.

Bills We Are Sponsoring:

SB 760This bill would require complete streets on state highways that are funded through the State Highway Operations Protection Program (SHOPP). We are sponsoring this bill with the California Bicycle Coalition, California Walks and the American Heart Association (see our press release for more details on this bill).

Our Position: Sponsoring, Support

Transportation Equity Package: We are working with other advocacy groups at the state level on several bills that advance transportation equity A fact sheet on all three is available here. They include:

AB 17This bill would create a student transit pass program at the state level. It would provide free or reduced-fare passes to students in middle school and above.

Our Position: Support

AB 179This bill would make a series of reforms to the California Transportation Commission, adding expertise in active transportation, public health, equity, environmental justice and other issues.

Our Position: Support

AB 1640This bill would dedicate a portion of funding from the State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) for disadvantaged communities.

Our Position: Support

Other Bills Related to Pedestrians & Bicycling:

AB 342This bill would authorize a pilot Automated Speed Enforcement program in San Francisco and San Jose. It is a core part of the Vision Zero movement in both cities.

Our Position: Support (support letter here)

AB 1103This bill would allow rolling stops for bikes approaching stop signs.

Our Position: Neutral. We are not taking a position on this bill.

AB 390This bill would explicitly authorize pedestrians to cross the street against a countdown clock.

Our Position:Neutral. We are not taking a position on this bill.

AB 694This bill clarifies “as far to the right as possible” when bicycling on the street. Addresses earlier concerns with the bill.

Our Position:Neutral. We are not taking a position on this bill.

California Rebuild Package: In addition to AB 1 / SB 1, state legislators have proposed a package of bills to address transportation, housing, freight and parks. More details are available in this fact sheet.

SB 2This bill would fund affordable housing with a $75 real estate transaction fee.

Our Position: We have not taken a position on this bill.

SB 3This bill would authorize a statewide housing bond to pay for affordable housing. Would go to the ballot in 2018 if approved.

Our Position: We have not taken a position on this bill.

SB 4This bill would authorize a statewide bond to pay for freight and goods movement improvements. Would go to the ballot in 2018 if approved.

Our Position: We have not taken a position on this bill.

SB 5This bill would authorize a statewide bond to pay for parks, water, coastal protection and related improvements across the state. Would go to the ballot in 2018 if approved.

Our Position: We have not taken a position on this bill.

Other Bills:

SB 263This bill would create a Technical Assistance program to build capacity among local community organizations, municipalities and small businesses to apply for statewide funding from the cap-and-trade (GGRF) program. It would set up 10 Climate Assistance Centers around the state and be administered by SGC.

Our Position: Support

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California