The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Evaluation, Report
2008 Safe Routes to School: State of the States Report

This is an updated version of the State of the States report.

Establishing a Safe Routes to School State Network: A 10-Step Guide

This report describes a process that can be used in any state to bring together diverse partners, create a SRTS State Network, and initiate policy changes that will make it safer and easier for children to be able to walk and bicycle to schools.

Safe Routes to School Evaluation Handbook

This resource provides a compilation of tools developed for the Safe Routes Partnership's Local School Project and other projects to help in creating a user-friendly quantitative and qualitative framework, data collection tools, and a data collection plan. It includes a parent survey in English and Spanish.

Safe Routes to School State Network Project – 2007 Annual Progress Report:

In May 2007, the Safe Routes Partnership launched a three-year Safe Routes to School (SRTS) State Network Project to leverage resources in nine states and the District of Columbia.

Evaluation, Report
Safe Routes to School State Network Project:

This report provides an update on major State Network Project accomplishments in 2008, lessons learned, state summaries, and the Local School Project.

Evaluation, Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School State Network Project:

The Safe Routes Partnership launched the State Network Project in 2007 to influence state-level Safe Routes to School implementation and to leverage additional resources and build a supportive environment through other state-level policies. 

Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

This report indicates how Safe Routes to School is being institutionalized at select schools, and providing a mechanism to improve student and school health. 

Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

This report focuses on case studies describing how ten states (California, District of Columbia, Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Louisiana, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia) are awarding their SRTS federal funds to support improved infrastructure such as sidewalks, bike lanes, pathways, improved intersections, traffic calming, and more. 

Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

The Safe Routes Partnership is implementing the State Network Project to ensure program success and leverage resources by creating SRTS State Networks in nine states and the District of Columbia. The following report outlines how State Networks can create policy change.

Report, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

This report indicates how Safe Routes to School is reducing carbon emissions and air pollutants.