The following publications are produced by the Safe Routes Partnership for use in advancing Safe Routes to School, active transportation, and shared use in all communities. To search for a publication on a specific topic, use the advanced search tool and start typing in "Safe Routes Partnership" in the author field, then select it from the list that appears.

Fact Sheet
Superintendents and the Shared Use of School Facilities

Superintendents are the chief administrators for school districts. They work to implement the vision and policies that the school board establishes. Superintendents can play a critical role in supporting shared use.

Fact Sheet
Creating Healthier Communities through the Shared Use of Hospitals

This resource was created to provide an example of shared use beyond the school setting. 

School Board Members and Shared Use School Facilities

This resource is designed to assist in engaging school board members in the shared use discourse. 

School Principals and the Shared Use of School Facilities

This resource is designed to assist advocates engaging school principals in the shared use discourse. 

Fact Sheet, Research
Uso Compartido

This resource is designed to introduce the concept of shared use to spanish speaking populations. 

Fact Sheet, Case Study
Addressing Childhood Obesity Through Shared Recreational Facilities

This two page document outlines strategies to increase physical activity through the shared use of recreational facilities.

Fact Sheet
Complete Streets

This fact sheet is designed to engage local Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO's) in the Complete Streets discourse, the resource offers an introduction to complete streets as well as recommendations for implementing complete streets components in underserved communities.

Fact Sheet, Case Study
Safe Routes to School:

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "Maximizing District-Wide Impact of Safe Routes to School: Educating School District Transportation Departments" that took place on April 18, 2013.

A Framework for GIS and Safe Routes to School

As Safe Routes to School programs have increased across the country, a clear need for better data management at the national level has become apparent. 

Fact Sheet
Safe Routes to School: A Primer for Understanding the Role of Municipal Transportation Departments

These action briefs are a companion to the webinar "Maximizing City Involvement in Safe Routes to School: Educating Municipal Transportation Departments" that took place on June 20, 2013. Watch an audio-visual recording here. View Powerpoint slides: Gabe Graff, City of Portland- slides; Nancy Nichols, City of Fort Collins - slides.