
One of the great ways that we love to share resources and expertise is through our regular webinars. Our webinars feature our staff and incredible advocates, Safe Routes to School program staff, government officials, elected leaders, and others from around the country sharing their knowledge and learning on a diverse range of topics.

Upcoming Webinars

There are currently no upcoming webinars scheduled. Scroll down to see archived webinars.

Archived Webinars

On Thursday, May 20th from 1pm – 2pm PT, the Safe Routes Partnership is hosting a free webinar: Connecting People to Parks in Oregon Communities

On Thursday, April 22nd, from 1 pm - 2 pm ET, the Safe Routes Partnership is hosting a free webinar: Where’s the Money? Funding Your Active Transportation Project.

On Thursday, February 25th from 2pm – 3pm ET, the Safe Routes Partnership hosted a free training on Engineering Solutions and Strategies for Safe Routes to School. 

Safe Routes Partnership hosted a free training led by Place It! on how to creatively engage students, parents, staff, and teachers around Safe Routes to School.

On Tuesday, January 11th from 11 am to 12 pm Mountain, the Colorado Department of Transportation is hosting a free webinar presented by the Safe Routes Partnership:

Safe Routes to Parks Activating Communities program 2020 participants share about their work and how they shifted their activities in light of the coronavirus pandemic. 

We are hosting Zoom calls on October 15 (FULL) and October 22 to discuss what it means for your program to drop Enforcement from the 6 E's of Safe Routes to School.

This webinar discusses school siting in Colorado and best practices for policy at the state and local levels.

We are hosting a free virtual training on effective and authentic community engagement for Safe Routes to School on October 20 from 1:00-2:30 p.m. Eastern.

Mobility options that include walking, cycling, and transit are essential, especially for older adults who rely on these to get to critical destinations in their daily lives.