
On Monday, July 19th from 2pm – 3pm PT, the Safe Routes Partnership is hosting a free webinar:

ATP Webinar Series #1

July 19th, 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm Pacific

Please join us for the first in our 2021-2022 ATP Webinar Series. The Safe Routes Partnership began hosting webinars for applicants to the Active Transportation Program in Cycle 5, and we are excited to begin the next round of webinars roughly a year from the anticipated application deadline for Cycle 6. The first in the webinar series, to be held July 19 from 2pm - 3pm PST, will focus on the Plan Application, which if successful will secure State funds for jurisdictions to create an Active Transportation, Pedestrian, Bicycle or Safe Routes to School Plan. Topics covered will include:

  •  Why is applying for a plan a good option for first-time applicants or applicants who have not been successful in previous ATP Cycles?
  •  What partnerships do you need to build in your application process?
  •  What do successful Plan applications have in common?
  •  What can you expect once your Plan application is funded? What will your consultant help you determine?
  •  How does creating a plan set up your community for more success securing infrastructure funds in future ATP Cycles?

Learn from presenters who have written and evaluated Plans applications in previous cycles, written the Plans themselves once funded, and supported communities in their implementation.


  • Beverley Newman-Burckhard - Assistant Deputy Director, California Transportation Commission
  • Elika Changizi - Associate Governmental Program Analyst, California Transportation Commission
  • Roger Pelayo - Los Angeles Office Director, Toole Design
  • Cory Wilkerson - Active Transportation Program Manager, Southern California Association of Governments
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