
On Thursday, October 28th from 3pm-4pm CT the Houston Health Department is hosting a free webinar presented by the Safe Routes Partnership:

Starting and Growing a Strong Safe Routes to School Program

Thursday, October 28th, 3pm-4pm CT

Safe Routes to School is an initiative that makes it safe, convenient, and fun for children to walk and roll to and from school. Join this free webinar if you are thinking about starting a Safe Routes to School program or if your community has already been working to get more kids safely walking and rolling and you want to grow and sustain the efforts. This webinar will provide an introduction to starting and growing a strong Safe Routes to School program. We will cover developing a framework for your program, as well as ideas for getting started right away with activities in your community.


  • Kori Johnson, Safe Routes Partnership 

This webinar is part of a series of free webinars provided by the Houston Health Department and presented by the Safe Routes Partnership.

Webinar Recording
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