Advocacy Organization

When Kids Walk to School, #WellnessWins

By Alex Severs, District Wellness Coordinator, Monett R-1 School District, Monett, MO

In schools across the country traditions exist in many forms, such as a back-to-school assembly or an annual field day. Several years ago in the Monett R-1 School District, we set out (on foot!) to create a new tradition of our own: walking to school.

Next Up for Congress: Government Funding and Taxes

We are in the midst of interesting times in Washington, DC. As has been widely reported, the repeal of the Affordable Care Act was pulled from the House after Republicans could not craft a bill that would get enough votes to pass. That means that the Prevention and Public Health Fund, which would have been eliminated after 2018, survives for now. This program supports a wide range of health initiatives around the country, including efforts to increase physical activity through active transportation.