This page includes archives of the Safe Routes Partnership's legislative actions in 2014. Since this is a historical archive, links may not work. Current information on our legislative priorities is available on our National webpage. You may also visit our legislative archives by year.
December 1, 2016: Election results: what it means for Safe Routes to School and healthy communities
September 29, 2016: FHWA's new Strategic Agenda for Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation sets goals to eliminate biking and walking fatalities in 30 years
September 19, 2016: Sign on to support a significant investment in physical activity
SEptember 7, 2016: States obligate $120 million in TAP funds, but transfer $120 million away from the program; Safe Routes funds nearly maxed out
August 31, 2016: Thousands tell USDOT to count people not cars; AASHTO says your opinion shouldn't matter
July 27, 2016: Take a look at the transportation platforms of the Democratic and Republican parties
June 29, 2016: Learn more about our 2016 Making Strides report cards and how they rate states on implementation of TAP
June 18, 2016: States obligate $86 million in TAP funds; small progress with Safe Routes funds
May 25, 2016: A Primer on NHTSA's Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Dollars
May 17, 2016: USDOT issues new guidance for the Transportation Alternatives Program
April 27, 2016: Tell USDOT that we should measure people, not just cars!
March 31, 2016: New state report cards score states on physical activity policies and funding
March 23, 2016: States access new TAP funds; old Safe Routes funds dwindle
March 23, 2016: Measuring Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety: USDOT Says It Matters
February 24, 2016: The details on Transportation Alternatives Program Funding for 2016
January 14, 2016: Listen to our webinar on the impact of the FAST Act on Safe Routes to School
January 6, 2016: A new year, a new transportation law: What now?
December 15, 2015: States obligate significant TAP dollars; finish out remaining Safe Routes commitments
December 3, 2015: Congress locks in funding for Safe Routes with passage of the FAST Act, a new five-year transportation bill
November 1, 2015: Speak up to protect Safe Routes funding!
October 20, 2015: House transportation bill on the move
October 2, 2015: House transportation bill coming soon?
September 29, 2015: A new publication demonstrates how MPOs can advance Safe Routes to School using TAP funds.
September 18, 2015: States on a roll with TAP funds; remaining Safe Routes funds shrinking
SEPTEMBER 9, 2015: Act now: Funding for bicycling and walking needs your support!
AUGUST 28, 2015: House transportation bill on tap for September
JULY 30, 2015: Congress punts transportation until fall
JULY 24, 2015: Senate inches forward on transportation bill
JULY 16, 2015: House and Senate on different paths for transportation
JUNE 22, 2015: Senate committee unveils DRIVE Act; Needs more to support bicycling and walking
JUNE 10, 2015: House rejects amendment to limit safe routes to transit
JUNE 5, 2015: Safe Routes to School allocations top $1 billion; states keep moving on TAP funds
MAY 26, 2015: Federal transportation bill extended again
APRIL 29, 2015: Momentum builds for Transportation Alternatives bill
APRIL 7, 2015: Broad support for the Transportation Alternatives Program
MARCH 25, 2015: Ask your Senator: Speak up for Safe Routes to School
MARCH 19, 2015: Two new bills advance funding and safety for Safe Routes to School, bicycling, and walking
MARCH 17, 2015: States receive and allocate TAP dollars; continue progress on Safe Routes to School
FEBRUARY 24, 2015: What's at stake this spring in Congress
JANUARY 30, 2015: Congress casts about for transportation funding solution