Speak Up to Protect Safe Routes Funding!

Update 11/4/15: None of the three amendments noted below were approved to be considered on the House floor.  That means that the underlying agreement on TAP remains intact in the House bill.  While it may seem a bit anti-climactic, this result is due to the great response from supporters like you--and that we are in a good position to achieve a strong outcome for the final transportation bill.  Thank you!  Next step: the House and Senate must negotiate their differences to produce a final transportation bill, by late November or mid-December.

Please speak up today!  Ask your Member of Congress to vote NO on the Carter and Yoho amendments that would cut back federal funding for the exact types of projects that make our communities safer and healthier for everyone.
Just a week ago, the House Transportation Committee passed the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act (STRR) after a bipartisan negotiation between Chairman Shuster (R-PA) and Ranking Member DeFazio (D-OR).  The bill has a careful compromise on the Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), which is a key funding stream for Safe Routes to School, bicycling and walking, that maintains the current competitive process and local control provisions that help ensure these dollars are accessible to local governments. 
Three amendments have been submitted for consideration that would undermine that agreement.  Rep. Carter (R-GA) has two amendments; one would make bicycling and walking projects ineligible for a broad swath of transportation funding and the second would allow TAP funds to be spent on road and bridge projects. Rep. Yoho (R-FL) would eliminate the Recreational Trails program.
Don’t stay silent!  Act now to let your Representative know how important Safe Routes to School are and to ask for a NO vote on the Carter and Yoho amendments.
Thank you so much for taking action today.