Central Valley

Central Valley News: Meet Up with Advocates and Agencies at the Stockton Active Transportation Network!

The Safe Routes Partnership is convening an Active Transportation Network in Stockton on a monthly basis as part of the Stockton Healthy Neighborhoods Collaborative. Please join us to meet others concerned about active transportation and share and receive information on best practices and policy issues that impact the health of families in the San Joaquin County area. Meetings are on the third Tuesday of every month at 1pm PT.  We’d love to see you there! Get more information by contacting Marty@saferoutespartnership.org.  

Apply Now: ATP Cycle 5 Technical Assistance with the Safe Routes Partnership

Note: Because some Metropolitan Planning Organizations have not yet released their recommendations for the ATP Cycle 4 MPO component, we have extended the deadline to apply for our Cycle 5 assistance in order to accomodate jurisdictions that are still waiting to find out if their projects will be funded.

If you are working to make streets safer or to increase access to schools and parks so that children and families in your community can have more opportunities for physical activity – we can help!

Ballot Box Results on Key Propositions

Last week, California voters rejected Proposition 6, which would have repealed the SB1 transportation funding increases, by a ten point margin. As we noted in previous editions of the e-news, Proposition 6 would have resulted in a self-inflicted crisis on our state’s transportation system, not only removing billions of already allocated dollars, but rendering virtually impossible any future increases in revenue.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California