Central Valley

Governor’s Greenhouse Gas Plans Neglect Active Transportation

Governor Brown released his proposed expenditure plan for Cap and Trade proceeds (the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund). We were disappointed to see funds prioritized for Zero Emission Vehicles, which do not reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled or facilitate alternative modes of transportation, while programs such as TCC were sharply reduced.

State Continues to Finetune ATP Cycle 4 Applications; Cycle to Open in May

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) has begun continued workshops for public feedback on guidelines and applications for Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program (ATP). As you may recall, for Cycle 4, CTC has proposed five separate applications for different types and sizes of projects. As of this week, seven workshops have been held: in Sacramento, Chico, Los Angeles, Oakland, Fresno, San Bernardino and, this past Tuesday, Monterey.

Fresno COG Releases Draft Active Transportation Plan for Public Comment

The Fresno Council of Governments (Fresno COG) has released a draft proposed Fresno County Regional Active Transportation Plan. The plan is intended as a guidance document with the ultimate vision of trails, walkways, and bikeways that provide safe, convenient, and enjoyable connections to key destinations around the County.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California