Workshops to refine the ATP Cycle 5 Guidelines are continuing, and since our January update, there have been a few changes: 

  • The Healthy Places Index will now be accepted as a fourth statewide metric to qualify for Disadvantaged Community Status, with full severity points available. We’re very pleased that this option will be available to applicants. 

  • New to Cycle 5 will be a $5 million pilot program available for Quick Build projects using nontraditional materials. Applicants will complete a special application which will be reviewed directly by CTC staff. While we are supportive of the goal of speeding up installation of projects, we believe that these funds would best be used to help applicants who have been funded for Plans to set them up for success in a future ATP application. Further, we are concerned that without a cap on the amount any applicant is allowed to request for a quick build project, there is a risk that proposals better suited for small or medium infrastructure applications will be inappropriately submitted to this fund.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California