The California Transportation Commission approved the guidelines and released applications for Cycle 5 of the Active Transportation Program at its March meeting. The meeting was held online, in accordance with the current COVID-19 restrictions: you can watch a recording of the meeting here (part 1) and here (part 2). Please see our rundown for what’s new in this cycle’s guidelines. This cycle, there is only one downloadable application PDF, the questions on which will automatically self-adjust depending on the kind of project you are applying for. That application form, as well as the Non-Infrastructure Guidance and Conservation Corps Consultation form, are available on the CalTrans ATP Website. You can also find there the materials for the pilot Quick Build program, which we described in the rundown link above.

The deadline for the applications is currently set for June 15; however, because virtually all agencies and localities have had to massively redirect their resources and staff time in recent weeks due to Covid-19, we anticipate that the deadline will be extended. The Commission is hosting a workshop on Wednesday, April 8 from 1:30-3:30pm to discuss the length of extensions for the ATP as well as the Local Partnership Program; Solutions for Congested Corridors Program; and Trade Corridor Enhancement Program. We will be advocating that the deadline be no earlier than September 30, 2020 to allow agencies the opportunity to apply.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California