
In this webinar, learn the details of the brand-new guidance issued by the US Department of Transportation on how states must implement the Transportation Alternatives program. 

In 2012, Congress passed a new transportation law, MAP-21 (Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century). That law consolidated funding for bicycling and walking into a new program called Transportation Alternatives. It’s taken a year for the federal and state governments to parse the law and make decisions on how it will be implemented.

This is your chance to hear from the teams at Advocacy Advance and the Safe Routes Partnership about the funding picture at the state and local level and how advocates can influence the process.

In this webinar, learn the details of the brand-new guidance issued by the US Department of Transportation on how states must implement the Transportation Alternatives program. And, hear more about the decisions each state has made on how much funding they will dedicate to bicycling and walking and how they will open up those application processes.

Finally, learn more about the newest player in this grant program: large Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs). We will be unveiling and explaining a new resource of ideas and examples to help MPOs create a high-quality Transportation Alternatives application that will maximize Safe Routes to School, bicycling and walking projects.

All the implementation milestones for Transportation Alternatives are now complete—so the decisions are now in the hands of states and MPOs. Take an hour to join this webinar to know what next steps you can take to maximize these valuable funds:

  • Advocates – know what decisions your state has made and how you can make a good case to your MPO about how to use their funds.
  • Local governments – learn about the resources we have available to help you run a strong Transportation Alternatives competition.
  • Everyone – learn and ask questions of the national team that has been working on MAP-21 implementation for the last year!


  • From the Alliance for Bicycling and Walking: Brighid O’Keane, Advocacy & Programs Director
  • From the League of American Bicyclists: Caron Whitaker, Vice President of Government Relations and Darren Flusche, Policy Director
  • From the Safe Routes Partnership: Margo Pedroso, Deputy Director and Stephanie Weber, Regional Network Manager
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