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From our early successes in supporting the establishment of the Safe Routes to School movement to our more recent efforts increasing safe and equitable access to parks through Safe Routes to Parks, we know that our bodies were designed to move, yet many of our communities were created with intentional inequities that limit mobility. We believe change is necessary to achieve a vision of safe, active, equitable, and healthy communities – urban, suburban, and rural – for everyone. We have refreshed our identity, and we remain true to our core mission. We will continue to support you in this work every day.

This week, Senators Cardin (D-MD) and Wicker (R-MS) introduced S. 1098, the Transportation Alternatives Enhancements Act. We applaud them for their leadership on this key funding program for Safe Routes to School, biking and walking projects and programs across the country.

While the current FAST Act won’t expire until September 2020, it takes a lot of time for Congress to hold hearings, negotiate, come up with bills, find funding, and get them passed and signed into law. Past transportation reauthorization bills have been plagued by delays and extensions, but the Senate in particular is off to a fast start this year.
In the first two months of the new Congress, one key issue making news is climate change. The transportation sector is the largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, making up 28.5 percent of all emissions. Emissions from transportation have been increasing primarily due to people driving more and driving larger vehicles that are less fuel efficient. Often, emission reduction solutions focus on things like electrifying cars and transit or shifting to zero-emissions trucks.
  Fact Sheet

No one should have to risk their life walking alongside fast moving traffic or spend two hours on the bus just to get to the grocery store. 

Successful parks are markers of healthy communities; children play, families spend time together, people of all ages exercise and relax, and the environment adds to the beauty, security, and economic value of the neighborhood. On the other hand, neglected, poorly maintained, or badly designed parks have the opposite effect: families and young children stay away, illicit activities proliferate, and the property becomes a threatening or discouraging eyesore.

New tools are constantly being developed that help us gather and understand data and inform decision-making around walking, biking, and Safe Routes to School. 

This webinar provides an in-depth look at how to incorporate equity into Safe Routes to Parks efforts. 

bike wayfinding sign
Stay up to date on how much TAP funding your state is obligating for biking and walking projects.

carol gossThe Safe Routes Partnership is proud to announce Carol Goss as the new Chair of the Board of Directors. Carol steps up to assume the role of Board Chair after serving as a board member for five years and providing a strong force in leading and shaping the organization’s vision for equity and the work of the board.

Birmingham’s parks have been described as “gems” by the US Secretary of the Interior. But they’re exceptionally difficult to access if you don’t have a car. Public transit is limited, and it’s not easy to bike or walk around Birmingham. In fact, many people in Birmingham hardly bike or walk at all.

While much of the attention in January here in DC has been focused on resolving the standoff over the government shutdown, Congress has also been getting organized – welcoming new members, deciding committee leadership and assignments, and staffing up.

A Guide to Starting and Growing a Safe Routes to School Program

Safe Routes to School is a great way to help students be healthy and have fun on the way to school. This toolkit will help you kick off a new Safe Routes to School program or strengthen your existing one.


This report provides an overview of the key role that active transportation financing can play in developing healthy communities.


Safe Routes to School is a great way to help students be healthy and have fun on the way to school. This toolkit will help you kick off a new Safe Routes to School program or strengthen your existing one.

We sat down with the leaders of three national active transportation advocacy organizations to discuss the current climate of mobility advocacy, opportunities to collaborate, and what comes next for the future of biking and walking advocates working together.

risa wilkersonMany books have been written about leadership over the years, and yet there are so few examples of great leaders to be found. For the last few years I have been fortunate to work with a great leader, and as she leaves our organization, I am reminded what about what is important in leadership.


Dedicated money for walking and biking is essential for healthy communities.

Como empezar un autobús caminante escolar en su escuela

Esta guía le sirve a proveer una descripción clara de cómo planificar y organizar un autobús caminante escolar usando voluntarios adultos como líderes.

el monte wsb

Walking school buses are one of the most effective ways to change how kids travel. That’s why it’s inspiring to hear about successful walking school bus programs that find fun and creative ways to get kids moving.