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Page 32 of 105 pages. This page shows results 621 - 640 of 2088 total results.

This webinar introduces the concept of Safe Routes to Healthy Food, that is, the work of overcoming the transportation barriers to accessing nutritious foods. 


Key takeaway:

  • Protected intersections are an important complement to Complete Streets to extend safe, comfortable conditions for bicyclists and pedestrians into intersections.

Key takeaway:

  • This study found that in rural areas, schools are the most common settings for policy and environmental interventions for physical activity.

This toolkit is designed to help parents, educators, and community members plan and organize a walking school bus using adult volunteers as leaders. 


Key takeaway:                         

  • Collaborative, comprehensive efforts with multi-sector stakeholders are needed to work toward equitable built environments.

Key takeaway:

  • The presence of different codified policies for infrastructure and community design that support active living varies, but overall these policies are less common in low-income communities and rural communities. 

Key takeaway:

  • Performance measures directed toward bicycle and pedestrian travel modes are key for evaluating and advocating for active transportation infrastructure and programs.

Key takeaway:

  • Almost half of children live in communities with policies for land use development incentives to promote active living, but there are disparities in these policies by rural/urban locale.

Key takeaway:

  • Children were more likely to live in communities with shared use addressed in long-range plans than in communities with formal shared-use agreements, and there were disparities by income and rural/urban locale for presence of either informal or formal shared use agreements. 

Key takeaway:

  • Few children live in areas with policies promoting active transportation to school, with community income level and geography (rural vs. suburban/urban) influencing the likelihood of being covered by certain policies. 

This webinar, part of the CDC's Health Impact in 5 Years initiative, is an excellent opportunity for Safe Routes to School advocates to learn how to pitch Safe Routes to School to health partners.


This report is a biennial update on national trends related to walking and biking across the United States, active transportation participation, safety, infrastructure, policy, and funding support. This report is intended to promote access to data, measure progress, support policy and advocacy efforts, and connect to health initiatives.

Last week on October 5th, thousands of kids, parents, teachers, and community members participated in the 20th Anniversary of International Walk to School Day.

  Toolkit, Website

This curriculum was developed to be used in physcial education classes for all grades in Arkansas. The curriculum is aimed at rural communities and includes outlines of different lessons, activities, and all of the materials a teacher would need to implement bicycle and pedstrian safety education.



  • The long-term health benefits of physical activity through active travel generally outweigh the health risks of air pollution.

This paper reports findings from The Near Miss Project, the first-ever UK study of cycling near misses—incidents that don’t result in an injury but were nevertheless scary, annoying, and/or stressful—of 1,500 cyclists. 

In September, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) issued a new Strategic Agenda for Pedestrian and Bicycle Transportation, which will guide their spending and initiatives for the next five years.

Guest blog post written by Karen Mohr, Principal, Beryl Heights Elementary School, Redondo Beach, CA.

To become one of America’s Healthiest Schools, it simply takes one step at a time.


 In this study, increases in perceived safety were associated with increased recreational walking, but not walking for transportation.


Key takeaway:

  • As driver speed increases, the rate of yielding to pedestrians decreases.
  • The researcher suggests that speed enforcement and design to reduced speeds through skinny lanes or traffic calming devices could improve unsafe crossings.