Online Open House: Washington State Active Transportation Plan

Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is talking to people across the state about walking, biking and rolling, and wants to hear your ideas about how they can improve active transportation.
Your input about changes needed to support safe, comfortable travels helps to update the State Active Transportation Plan.

Washington State DOT’s Active Transportation Plan Update

The WSDOT Active Transportation Plan updates the state's "bicycle facilities and pedestrian walkways plan", and is a way to use what we learn from you and others to shape recommendations for policy decisions, investments, and improvements. The plan will consider where we are now, where we want to go, and how we are going to get there in the coming years. It coordinates with your local and region plans so get involved in those too.

RTC Transportation Funding Opportunities

As the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Clark County region, the Regional Transportation Council (RTC) of SW Washington is responsible for selecting and programming projects for the regional share of the Federal Highway program. RTC also has responsibility for ensuring the obligation of these federal funds. The federal programs managed by RTC include the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program (STBG), Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), and Transportation Alternatives (TA). RTC has several funding opportunities for transportation projects in 2019, and we anticipate the RTC Board to approve two funding updates at their monthly meeting on April 2.

2019 Washington Legislature

In the Washington Legislature, we work closely with partners at Healthy Living Collaborative, Childhood Obesity Prevention Coalition, and Washington Bikes to track bills. Our primary focus is on improving health outcomes, increasing safety for people who walk, bike, and access transit, and securing funding for transportation projects to achieve those goals. 

February 28 update: 

Public Comment Open for Clark County Regional Transportation Plan

The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council updated the Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Clark County during 2018, and is now available as a draft for public comment. This is a regular update that occurs approximately every 4-5 years, to comply with federal requirements and to ensure continued consistency between federal, state, regional and local plans.

The RTP update focuses on the following themes:

WA Safe Routes to School and Pedestrian/Bicyclist Program Grants List

Every two years, following a call for projects, the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) submits a report to the legislature on the recommended Safe Routes to School (SRTS) and Pedestrian/Bicyclist Program (PBP) grants. The 2019-2021 report explains the selection process, reports on past grant awards, and provides a prioritized list of applicants for funding in the next cycle.

Clark County RTP to Open for Public Comment

The Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) for Clark County is being updated in 2018/19 to comply with federal requirements and to ensure continued consistency between federal, state, regional and local plans. The Southwest Washington Regional Transportation Council Board of Directors are scheduled to release the Draft RTP for public comment and review following their December 4 Board meeting. We've been tracking the plan and will provide more analysis once the full plan is released.

Pacific Northwest Regional Network




Safe Routes to School Pacific Northwest