Los Angeles County

CARB Approves Minimal Increase to GHG Reduction Goals

On March 23rd, the California Air Resources Board held a board meeting in the City of Riverside. A key agenda item was a vote on setting regional goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction targets as mandated by SB 375. Advocates hoped that SB 375 would encourage regional governments to coordinate land use and transportation planning efforts to curb GHG emission from driving. The board heard testimonial presentations from all Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs), who must implement the targets at the regional level.

SCAG requests feedback on its Public Participation Plan before April 21st

On February 21st, the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG)  released a draft of their Public Participation Plan and is currently soliciting feedback until April 21st. SCAG is responsible for developing plans like the Regional Transportation Plan Sustainable Communities Strategies and the Public Participation Plan is a critical guide for how SCAG will interact and gather input from public stakeholders The updated plan includes practices and methods fo

Gov. Brown Fails to Add Environmental Justice Expertise to CTC

Last fall, equity and environmental justice advocates were pleased at the passage of AB 179. The legislation mandated reform of the California Transportation Commission (CTC) board and placed requirements to ensure diverse representation, including experience working in disadvantaged communities. Despite the promising requirements written into AB 179, Governor Brown just re-appointed two incumbents who do not meet the criteria of equity or climate justice champions.

Active Transportation Program Applications Nearly Final

The California Transportation Commission (CTC) held the final public workshop for Cycle 4 of the Active Transportation Program on March 1, releasing the latest draft applications the night before. While we had initially pushed to retain standalone questions on public health, we had agreed to a compromise to have public health addressed in the Statement of Need question. We were heartened to see much of our compromise language for those questions adopted, even though our suggestions for questions pertaining to addressing the need were apparently not included this round.

Governor’s Greenhouse Gas Plans Neglect Active Transportation

Governor Brown released his proposed expenditure plan for Cap and Trade proceeds (the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund). We were disappointed to see funds prioritized for Zero Emission Vehicles, which do not reduce Vehicle Miles Traveled or facilitate alternative modes of transportation, while programs such as TCC were sharply reduced.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California