Statewide News: Register for our ATP Webinar Next Week

The first in our series of webinars focused on Active Transportation Cycle 5 is next week on Thursday, Sept 26 at 11am PT - register now! It may seem too soon to be thinking about this, but what we know from our work with past ATP applicants is that if you wait until the guidelines come out, you won’t have enough time to create a competitive application.

Statewide News: CalTrans Taps Active Transportation Champion as Director

Congratulations to Toks Omishakin, Governor Newsom’s nominee for CalTrans director, which was announced earlier this month. Mr. Omishakin is a recruit from the Tennessee Department of Transportation, where he has been an unyielding champion of active transportation and complete streets. Prior to that, he served as director of healthy living initiatives for the Nashville Mayor’s Office for three years.

Statewide News: Complete Streets Bill Rolling Along

We are pleased with the continued progress of SB 127 (Wiener), the Complete Streets bill we are co-sponsoring along with California Walks, the California Bicycle Coalition and the American Heart Association. The bill has now passed out of the Senate Transportation and Appropriations committees. In the process, we have agreed to amendments that removed our proposed reordering of the State Highway Account’s priorities.

Central Valley News: Planning and Policy Opportunities On The Horizon

A number of important plans will be updated in our Central Valley counties in coming months, offering advocates opportunities to weigh in on planning and transportation decisions. General Plans will be updated in Modesto and in Fresno County, and we will be particularly concerned that issues of equity, environmental justice and SB 1000 will be addressed. In addition, the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan in Stanislaus County will be updated, and we look forward to helping align the county’s Safe Routes to School and active transportation efforts where needs are greatest.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California