As we reported earlier in the summer, CalTrans requested, and the CTC approved, reprogramming $100 million from the 2020 State Highway Operations and Protection Program (SHOPP) for Complete Streets Enhancements on state highways. Nearly half of those funds have already been programmed in SHOPP projects, and CalTrans is currently working to identify the best candidate projects for the remaining funds. We have been advising the Department on equitable public engagement strategies to do so. Projects are to be nominated by District staff, and CalTrans headquarters has developed an impressive Complete Streets Decision Document to guide those efforts. We appreciate CalTrans’ efforts to root this programming as much as possible in deep community engagement, despite the very short timetable to do so. We look forward to working with CalTrans on the next SHOPP cycle in 2022 to ensure that all stakeholders have the chance to advocate for Complete Streets improvements on the sections of the state highway network that affect their communities.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California