Earlier this month, the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) released Draft Community Air Monitoring Plans (CAMP) for each of the three AB 617 Southern California areas (Boyle Heights, Muscoy, and West Long Beach). This is the first step in identifying ways to mitigate air pollution issues in these communities. The CAMP includes a summary of concerns identified by the community steering committees, and will also support strategies to develop the Community Emission Reductions Plans, which are being developed simultaneously. In order to be considered for the July 1st air monitoring deadline, SCAQMD staff are asking for suggested CAMP edits or comments by May 31st. The National Partnership holds a seat on the Muscoy/San Bernardino committee and will send feedback on how the CAMP should consider students’ pollution exposure.

As a committee member, we’ve been vocal alongside other community partners about supporting monitoring near schools. Specifically, we need to document freight routes near residents and students so that we can consider community exposure. We also support efforts to increase student education about air pollution monitoring. Opportunities to engage students in air monitoring processes will help communities understand public health risks and how emissions contribute to our pressing climate crisis. If you are interested in learning more about the AB 617 Muscoy community profile and the CAMP, please visit the SCAQMD website here.

California Regional Network




Safe Routes to School in California