
How Far Can You Go In 0.4 Miles?

Christy SmithI recently had the opportunity to speak to Mayor Carolyn Thompson of Elkton, Tennessee. Elkton has fewer than 20,000 residents and is about twenty-five miles north of Huntsville, Alabama. Elkton has one elementary school with 327 students in pre-Kindergarten through eighth grade. They also do not have any sidewalks in their town.

Let’s Go NC! A Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Skills Program for Healthy, Active Children Begins NOW!

Terry LandsellLet’s Go NC! was developed for the North Carolina Department of Transportation’s (NCDOT) Division of Bicycle and Pedestrian Transportation and the state Safe Routes to School program by NC State University’s Institute for Transportation Research and Educatio

Director’s Outlook: How Your Zip Code Influences How Much Physical Activity You Get

Deb HubsmithMajor polls show that Americans want to live in places where it’s safe to walk and bicycle. The demand for walkable, livable communities has prompted many municipalities to make more investments in multi-modal transportation and adopt policies such as Complete Streets that institutionalize planning, design and construction for all types of road users.