Holding handsJust this morning I was enjoying my favorite aspect of walking to school with my boys – the occasional grabbing of my hand by my 1st grader.  I was soaking it up, I know these moments are fleeting as I watch my 3rd grader walking up ahead at his own pace, in his own thoughts.  

The photo I took this morning got me thinking about the connections we make with our partner affiliates at the local, state and national level.  Oftentimes, our organizations get in the mode of walking at our own pace and it is nice to have a partner to connect with for support, idea-sharing and a unified voice for the Safe Routes to School movement. Our partner affiliates are doing amazing things in support of Safe Routes to School – from American Heart Association advocate fly-ins to Washington, DC at a critical time to the fun had by a Michigan Fitness Foundation’s Safe Routes to School program rocking out their Walk to School Day events. That is all it takes to be a partner: support the goals of Safe Routes to School, do as much as you can do to promote programs and policies that are supportive of these goals and have a unified voice with the Safe Routes Partnership. 

We want to thank and acknowledge the many national partners that gave us a hand earlier this year by spreading our advocacy messages about the transportation bill reauthorization far and wide – that collective impact really worked. We know the rest of 2012 will provide new challenges and amazing opportunities for Safe Routes to School. It is so important that we come together, by joining the Safe Routes Partnership, to have the strength in numbers that comes from hundreds of partner affiliates from all across the country. I hope you reach out your hand; we are ready to support each other. 

Not sure if your organization is a partner? Check out the complete listing of partner affiliates here. For more information, contact Beth Richards at beth@saferoutespartnership.org.
