
Reflections from the Childhood Obesity Conference

Last week three representatives from the Safe Routes Partnership (Safe Routes Partnership) attended the Childhood Obesity Conference in Long Beach, CA. The Childhood Obesity Conference brings together advocates, funders, public health professionals and agency staff from across the United States to focus on the challenges of reducing obesity in our communities.

Resources for Connecting with Partners and Power People on Safe Routes to School

Dave CowanSafe Routes to School practitioners are challenged by the need to work with various partners at city, county, regional, state, district and school-related organizations. Inevitably, the success of programs, projects, policies and future funding opportunities are reliant upon the strength of these relationships.

Congratulations to Memphis, TN For Passing the Nation's 500th Complete Streets Policy

Christy SmithThis August, Memphis, Tennessee was honored by the National Complete Streets Coalition for adopting the Nation's 500th Complete Streets Policy. The Safe Routes Partnership's Tennessee Network sent a letter to Mayor Wharton of Memphis, congratulating him on the honor and for leading the efforts for Complete Streets in Memphis.