WTSD 2014

As we all head back to school, it is exciting to see more and more children and their families walking and bicycling to school each morning.

Now it is time to celebrate during International Walk to School Month and on Walk and Bike to School Day, October 8! Integrating exercise into everyday life creates a lifelong commitment to physical activity, plus active kids are healthier and do better in school. October is a great month to join one of the thousands of walking school buses or bike trains. You can take your first steps by becoming a champion for active schools and Safe Routes to School programs in your community.

If you’re looking for resources to start or enhance an event at your school, here are a few tips.

  • Make Fire Up Your Feet your first stop for information and support for joining the movement for healthy, active schools. You can register to track activity during the month October or watch our short instructional videos to learn the basics of encouraging your family and school to be healthy and physically active with Fire Up Your Feet.
  • Share this infographic about the benefits of walking and bicycling for kids, your community and the planet.
  • Don’t forget to register your Walk to School Day event at walkbiketoschool.org to ensure your efforts are counted as part of the nationwide movement for walking and bicycling.

We love hearing about your success stories and lifting them into the spotlight. Share your stories with this webform and send us pictures with your captions for our usage in publications or to provide to the media.  We know you’ll be getting a lot of great photos on Walk and Bike to School Day – please share them!

Please direct any media inquiries to Margaux Mennesson, Communication Manager at margaux@saferoutespartnership.org.