Keith Benjamin

Keith Benjamin
Keith Benjamin
Street Scale Campaign Manager

Keith Benjamin serves as the Street Scale Campaign Manager for the Safe Routes Partnership. In this role, he is responsible for initiating, coordinating and assisting public policy campaigns at state and local levels to advance adoption of complete streets and Safe Routes to School policies, MAP-21 and TAP funds, bicycle and pedestrian transportation planning, and other active transportation improvements to increase physical activity in underserved communities. Keith works with local and state leaders in underserved communities to identify, develop and collaborate on advocacy campaigns, provide technical assistance, and increase leadership capacity.

Keith has had an array of experiences in building partnerships and coalitions. He has worked on presidential elections and has traveled to Europe and Africa as a Give1 Project Leadership Fellow, exchanging with youth, elected officials, policy advisers, sociologist and urban planners, discussing new policies and initiatives to transform how we approach community development.

Prior to joining the Safe Routes Partnership, Keith served as the Legislative Associate for the Transport Workers Union of America, AFL-CIO advocating on behalf of 200,000 members and retirees on legislation including the Local Flexibility for Transit Act; FAA Re-authorization; Unemployment Insurance Tax Cut; Transit Operating Assistance; and MAP-21.  He also served on Capitol Hill with Senator Carl Levin, the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Committee, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Government Affairs, the Committee on House Administration, Representative Kendrick Meek, and the late Representative Donald Payne.