Attend the Safe Routes Partnership’s Free 2013 Annual Meeting in Sacramento, CA

Come to Sacramento one day early this summer to attend Safe Routes Partnership’s Annual Meeting on Monday, August 12th 1pm-6pm, held in conjunction with the Safe Routes to School National Conference, August 13-15 in Sacramento, CA.

Enhance your conference experience by attending our free Annual Meeting, which will feature:

  • Roundtable discussions with colleagues surrounding Safe Routes to School issues.
  • Federal update with the latest on MAP-21 implementation.
  • Town hall discussion on funding and policy.
  • This year we’re also including geographic area breakout groups, which will give you the opportunity to strategize and find solutions for Safe Routes to School funding and implementation specific to your area.
  • Finally, there will be ample time to network with fellow Safe Routes to School practitioners and supporters at our Safe Routes Social from 5pm-6pm.

Plus, you’ll have more time to explore the capital of California. Getting to Sacramento early will allow you to take advantage of walking and bicycling tours of the city that will be offered the morning of August 13th before the conference officially begins at 10:30 am.

Register for the Annual Meeting at the same time you register for
the Safe Routes to School National conference

We hope to see you at these excellent free events, and at the conference! If you are interested in attending only the Safe Routes Partnership’s Annual meeting and cannot make the conference, email Molly Simon to be added to the list.