Safe Routes to School

Using the Research to Make a Strong Case for Safe Routes to School

This guest blog post was written by our research advisor, Christina Galardi.

In advocating for Safe Routes to School programs in your area, you might face two major questions from school administrators, local planners, or political leaders:

  1. Will Safe Routes to School really increase students’ rates of walking and biking to school?
  2. Is Safe Routes to School worth the investment?

Two rigorous research studies published in the past year provide evidence for the health and economic benefits of Safe Routes to School to support your response.

House Transportation Bill on the Move

The House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee has set its consideration of the transportation bill for Thursday, October 22. This is coming in just under the wire, as the current transportation law expires at the end of October.  Congress will still have to do an extension of current law to allow the House to complete its work and then come to agreement with the Senate -- hopefully by mid-December.  (Update 10/22/15:  The committee completed consideration of the Surface Transportation Reauthorization and Reform Act today.  An amendment offered by Reps.

New Publication Highlights How Four MPOs Approach TAP and Safe Routes to School

A new information brief, issued today by the National Center for Safe Routes to School and written by the Safe Routes Partnership, demonstrates how regional transportation planning authorities (or MPOs) can advance Safe Routes to School priorities using the relatively new Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP).