The CDC initiated the Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project (the Measures Project) to identify and recommend a set of obesity prevention strategies and corresponding suggested measurements that local governments and communities can use to plan, implement, and monitor initiatives to prevent obesity.

  • Strategies 17-23 suggest community improvements that are addressed by Safe Routes to School. These recommendations suggest that communities should:
    • enhance infrastructure supporting bicycling
    • enhance infrastructure supporting walking
    • support locating schools within easy walking distance of residential areas
    • improve access to public transportation
    • zone for mixed-land use development
    • enhance personal safety in areas where persons are or could be physically active
    • enhance traffic safety where persons are or could be physically active

Khan, Laura Kettel, Sobush, Kathleen, Keener, Dana, Goodman, Kenneth, Lowry, Amy, Kazietek, Jakub, and Zaro, Susan. “Recommended Community Strategies and Measurements to Prevent Obesity in the United States.” Center for Disease Control. (2009): 58(RR07); 1-26.

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