This study developed a measure of traffic calming highly correlated with active travel to school that could be used to inform policy and planning decisions.


  • The measure included five features gathered from GIS data as characteristics of streets with traffic calming: intersection density, medians/dividers, low mobility streets, roundabouts, and street parking availability.
  • In the model created by this study, these characteristics of traffic calming explained 86% of the variability in active transport to school.


  • This study used administrator-reported estimates of walking and biking to school in a nationally representative sample of schools from 2006-2010.

Nicholson, L.M., Turner, L., Slater, S.J., Abuzayd, H., Chriqui, J.F., Chaloupka, F. (2014). Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 33, 17-25.

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