It has been reported that motor vehicle emissions contribute nearly a quarter of world energy-related greenhouse gases and cause non-negligible air pollution primarily in urban areas.

  • Reducing car use and increasing ecofriendly alternative transport, such as public and active transport, are efficient approaches to mitigate harmful environmental impacts caused by a large amount of vehicle use. Besides the environmental benefits of promoting alternative transport, it can also induce other health and economic benefits.
  • At present, a number of studies have been conducted to evaluate co-benefits from greenhouse gas mitigation policies. However, relatively few have focused specifically on the transport sector. A comprehensive understanding of the multiple benefits of alternative transport could assist with policy making in the areas of transport, health, and environment. However, there is no straightforward method which could estimate co-benefits effect at one time.
  • In this paper, the links between vehicle emissions and air quality, as well as the health and economic benefits from alternative transport use, are considered, and methodological issues relating to the modelling of these co-benefits are discussed. 

Ting Xia, Ying Zhang, Shona Crabb, and Pushan Shah, . (2013). “Cobenefits of Replacing Car Trips with Alternative Transportation: A Review of Evidence and Methodological Issues,”. Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2013(Article ID 797312), Article ID 797312. doi: 10.1155/2013/797312

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