Key Takeaways: This report includes 86 bicycle and pedestrian network case studies from around the country that are intended to serve as a source of inspiration and ideas for Safe Routes to Schol practitioners, planners, engineers, etc. who are interested in successfully implementing bicycle and pedestrian projects. 


  • A successful bicycle and pedestrian network was found to satisfy the following principles: cohesion, directness (convenience to destinations), accessibility, alternatives (different route choices), safety and security, and comfort.
  • Four case studies include Safe Routes to School projects incorporated into the bicycle and pedestrian networks, but examples of network connectivity provide extensive examples for practitioners and planners to determine the best ways to design safe, comfortable, and cohesive safe routes to schools and through communities.


  • The purpose of this report was to support the Performance Year 2015 Strategic Implementation Plan to identify specific examples of network improvements throughout the U.S. and to share these examples with communities interested in enhancing their own networks. In order to do this, the Federal Highway Administration Division Offices in each state around the country worked with local stakeholders and agencies to gather a list of projects that made pedestrian and bicycle network improvements. In total, 86 projects were identified representing all 50 states, Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico.

U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration (2015). Case Studies in Delivering Safe, Comfortable, and Connected Pedestrian and Bicycle Networks.

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