Attitudes toward bicycling may be influenced by crashes and other incidents experienced throughout the life course.


  • More severe injuries were connected with a decline in comfort with and desire for bicycling.
  • Bicycling incidents experienced during youth had less of an impact on bicycling attitudes than experiences during adulthood.
  • More serious injuries were connected with greater likelihood of declines in comfort with and desire for bicycling.
  • Incidents involving motorists created more discomfort with bicycling than crashes alone, which were often seen as less serious mishaps.
  • Crashes experienced by others influenced attitudes toward bicycling, particularly among those who did not bicycle regularly.


  • This qualitative research study analyzed themes about experiences with bicycling over the life course from 54 in-depth interviews with adults in Davis, California. Of these participants, 20% rode a bicycle daily, 57% at least once a week, and 22% did not regularly bicycle.

Lee, A.E., Underwood, S., Handy, S. (2015). Crashes and other safety-related incidents in the formation of attitudes toward bicycling. Transportation Research Part F, 28, 14-24.

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