Parks and Recreation

Newton, MA Advocates for High Schools and SRTS in School Design

Newton, MA's Safe Routes to School program has made many gains since they started roughly ten years ago. Examples are across the board! Not only have they identified more local champions who work with individual schools, but they are also poised to announce a new working school transportation policy developed by an after school committee. The current policy has more of a focus on who qualifies for the bus, and they’ve been asked to develop a policy that promotes walking, biking and taking the bus.

Proposed 2018 Trump Budget Includes Infrastructure Proposal and Cuts Detrimental to Physical Activity

The Trump Administration released its proposed FY2018 budget this week. Overall, it cuts funding across nearly all agencies to fund a $52 billion increase in defense spending, veterans’ health, and border security. The budget is very similar to cuts the Trump administration tried to secure in the FY17 appropriations process, which were for the most part rebuffed by Congress.