​​Safe Routes Partnership E-News
Issue #206: October 2023

Safe Routes Partnership E-News is a monthly email newsletter published by the Safe Routes Partnership. We are also on Facebook and Twitter. Join us!

  1. Welcome Safe Routes Partnership’s New Executive Director, Kimberlyn Clarkson!
  2. Join the State Funding Strategies Workgroup and Register for the Next Open Meeting
  3. Applications are Open for the 2024 Safe Routes to Parks Colorado Activating Communities Program
  4. Previewing the 2024 Making Strides State Report Cards
  5. Advocating for Child Pedestrian Safety during National Pedestrian Safety Month
  6. Championing Youth Well-being Through Physical Activity: A Teen’s Perspective during National Pedestrian Safety Month
  7. The Safe Routes to School Summit 2023 Begins in Two Weeks!

1. Welcome Safe Routes Partnership’s New Executive Director, Kimberlyn Clarkson!

Have you heard the exciting news? We're delighted to announce Kimberlyn Clarkson as the new Executive Director of the Safe Routes Partnership! Kimberlyn will officially take the helm on October 23, bringing her passion for safe and active transportation to our organization. For the full announcement, visit our website and join us in welcoming her to our team!

2. Join the State Funding Strategies Workgroup and Register for the Next Open Meeting

If you are an advocate passionate about how states and local communities fund walking and biking, we welcome you to be part of our State Funding Strategies workgroup. This year we are expanding our reach and inviting you to our quarterly virtual meetings via Zoom. To participate, register for each quarterly meeting as they are announced. For inquiries, reach out to natasha@saferoutespartnership.org. Read more about the workgroup here.

The next meeting, Dedicated Staff Power up State-Level Safe Routes to School Programs, will be held on October 17, 3:00 PM ET (Register here).

3. Applications are Open for the 2024 Safe Routes to Parks Colorado Activating Communities Program

Applications are now open for the 2024 Safe Routes to Parks Colorado Activating Communities program. This program provides tailored technical assistance for four communities in the state of Colorado to develop and initiate an action-oriented strategy to make their local parks safer, accessible, and easier for people to get to by walking, biking, and rolling, and awards $10,000 to each community to begin implementing those strategies.

Colorado-based organizations interested in applying can join us for an application info session on November 1, 2023, 1 pm - 2 pm MT (Register here.) Applications will be accepted until November 21, 2023. Learn more about the program here.

4. Previewing the 2024 Making Strides State Report Cards

Curious about how your state supports active kids and communities? Every two years, we unveil a comprehensive evaluation of states' efforts in promoting walking, rolling, and active transportation. With the passage of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, there are fresh federal requirements and opportunities for states to champion Safe Routes to School and active transportation. Discover how these changes will influence the support for walking, rolling, and active communities in a sneak peek into the indicators that will shape the fifth edition of the Making Strides State Report Cards in 2024. Read more here.

5. Advocating for Child Pedestrian Safety during National Pedestrian Safety Month

This National Pedestrian Safety Month, we are shining a spotlight on our most precious pedestrians: children! Explore our latest blog as we highlight the recently released policy statement on child pedestrian safety by the American Academy of Pediatrics and why we’re on a mission to spread resources to make our communities safe for all users, one step at a time. Read the blog here.

 6. Championing Youth Well-being Through Physical Activity: A Teen’s Perspective during National Pedestrian Safety Month

During National Pedestrian Safety Month, we are thrilled to feature an inspiring guest blog post by a member of the Houston YMCA Youth and Government. Read how her journey, highlighting the vital role of physical activity in promoting youth well-being intersects with this month’s theme and reminds us of the importance of keeping our youth active, healthy, and safe on our streets.

7. The Safe Routes to School Summit 2023 Begins in Two Weeks!

In just two weeks, the virtual three-day Safe Routes to School Summit 2023 kicks off. Join us to explore the incredible impact of safe and active transportation for students, share inspiring success stories, dive into discussions on equity, and witness the transformative power of collaboration. Secure your spot now for a journey into the endless possibilities of Safe Routes to School! Register here.