Around the country, more than 600 communities and states have adopted local Complete Streets policies—helping ensure that transportation plans and projects address the needs of all users.
The Boyle Heights/East Los Angeles (BHELA) Community Health Assessment explores the nexusbetween the built environment, public policy, and urban planning in an effort to determine theirimpact on the health and wellbeing of residents in Boyle Heights and East Los Angeles
Around the country, more than 600 communities and states have adopted local Complete Streets policies—helping ensure that transportation plans and projects address the needs of all users.
This report reviews eight key findings, including:
Last fall, in the rural community of Winton, California, there was lot of excitement building around walking, bicycling and Safe Routes to School. Winton is a small town with two schools less than two miles apart from each other, and parents and community members had been frustrated about the congestion that was created when schools released students at the end of the day. Parents wanted to be able to walk or bicycle to school with their children, but couldn’t because of a lack of sidewalks and infrastructure. The district needed a solution.
Complete Streets: Best Policy and Implementation Practices is the result of a collaborative partnership among the American Planning Association (APA), the National Complete Streets Coalition (NCSC), and the National Policy and Legal Analysis Network to Prevent Childhood Obesity (NPLAN).
Richard Louv coined the term “nature-deficit disorder,” in his award winning book Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature-Deficit Disorder. He recounts how children are spending progressively less time outdoors in free, unstructured play, and how wide-ranging the negative repercussions might be as children disconnect from the natural world.
This fact sheet describes economic and community benefits of Complete Streets.This fact sheet describes economic and community benefits of Complete Streets.
Recently, staff and elected leaders of nine municipalities from Prince George’s County attended a National Complete Streets Coalition workshop to learn more about the steps needed to write, adopt, and implement an effective Complete Streets policy.
This report describes trends and policy implications for active transportation in rural communities.
In August, almost $220 million in walking and bicycling grants will be awarded to communities across California through the state’s new Active Transportation Program (ATP). In a hard-won victory by the Safe Routes Partnership’s state network in California, at least $72 million of that total will fund Safe Routes to School projects and programs.
This study found that obesity prevalence would decrease by 22% if adolescents walked/biked to school 4–5 days per week,
Throughout my entire life I’ve always wanted to make a difference in the world. I found my niche in the late 1990s with Safe Routes to School and never looked back.
This toolkit shares what lessons learned from successful joint use agreements, offering guidelines and templates for other communities seeking to increase their own access to school recreational facilities.
This document describes strategies used to implement collaborative and comprehensive education reform at all levels.
If you have been paying attention to how Congress has handled transportation over the past several years, you’d be justified in thinking that this May’s expiration of the MAP-21 transportation law will get pushed back by months and that you don’t need to pay attention to transportation this spring.
This resource documents findings from a survey of school principals in Kentucky about shared use of school facilities with community agencies during non-school hours. The survey was intended to gather baseline data about shared use in Kentucky as well as challenges, opportunities, and best practices for establishing shared use.
By Katharine Bierce, Sara Zimmerman, and Norma Tassy
School districts are responsible for the education of almost 50 million public school students. This report identifies the larger community interest in decisions about retaining existing schools and deciding where to locate new ones.
This guest blog post was written by our research adviser, Christina Galardi.
Back to the basics: even though I’ve completed college-level mathematics courses, this month I returned to elementary school for an important lesson in my 1,2,3’s.