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Page 68 of 105 pages. This page shows results 1341 - 1360 of 2091 total results.

In this study of children aged 8-10, for every additional park located within a half-mile of their home, girls are twice as likely to walk to school.


This brief summary of evidence of benefits from being physically active reveals that national surveillance data indicate a substantial portion of youth and adults in the United States do not meet recommendations.


Physical Activity Across the Curriculum (PAAC) was a three-year cluster randomized controlled trial to promote physical activity and diminish increases in overweight and obesity in elementary school children.


This research brief presents an overview of findings demonstrating the potential impact of infrastructure investments and other transportation programs on walking and bicycling for transportation, and on related health outcomes.


Active living has four domains: transportation, recreation, occupation, and household.


This brief summarizes research on active transport to school, physical activity levels and health outcomes.


This article highlights Safe Routes to School as a promising strategy for increasing youth physical activity and improving health equity.


The CDC initiated the Common Community Measures for Obesity Prevention Project (the Measures Project) to identify and recommend a set of obesity prevention strategies and corresponding suggested measurements that local governments and communities can use to plan, implement, and monitor initiatives to prevent obesity.


This article reviews 13 studies that explore whether children who actively commute to school have increased physical activity levels or a healthier body weight.


This paper provides insight on whether bicycling for everyday travel can help US adults meet the recommended levels of physical activity and what role public infrastructure may play in encouraging this activity.

  Model Policy

The Borough/City/District partnership has effectively maximized the use of their respective facilities to meet community and student needs, beyond what each could do alone. 


Nearly a third of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions in 2007 were transportation-related; each gallon of gasoline used in transportation emits 20 lbs of CO2 into our atmosphere.


This study uses Comparative Risk Assessment methods to estimate the health effects of alternative urban land transport scenarios for London, UK and Delhi, India.


Exposure to fine-particulate air pollution has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality, suggesting that sustained reductions in pollution exposure should result in improved life expectancy.


Public health advocates and scientists working on obesity prevention policy face challenges in balancing legal rights, individual freedom, and societal health goals. 


Just as there is no one model JUA, there is no single method to develop an agreement. 


This study investigates the relationship between scholastic achievement and weight status among 6th and 7th grade students.


Fitness, mathematics, and reading/language data were collected from 134 third-fifth-grade children.


This study compares the classroom behavior of children 8 to 9 years of age receiving daily recess with that of children not receiving daily recess.


The aim of this study is to explore the associations between objectively assessed intensity levels of physical activity and academic achievement and test whether cardiovascular fitness mediates the association between physical activity and academic achievement.