Resource Library

Page 48 of 105 pages. This page shows results 941 - 960 of 2090 total results.

Short PSA video promoting walking and biking.

  Fact Sheet
Aumentar el Acceso a la Actividad Física

Las escuelas se encuentran en una zona céntrica y tienen gimnasios, parques infantiles, campos deportivos, canchas, pistas y otras instalaciones de recreo que podrían permitir a los residentes que sean más activos físicamente. Las escuelas y sus instalaciones de recreo tendrían que estar disponibles, fuera del horario escolar, para el uso comunitario.

  Fact Sheet

In some communities, the danger of violence and crime discourages children from walking to school and keeps people off the street, limiting physical activity and restricting errands and trips. Using a framework known as the “Six E’s,” we identify specific kinds of actions that can combat violence and support Safe Routes to School.

  Fact Sheet
Increasing Access to Physical Activity Opportunities

This resource presents an overview of the opportunties and challenges for advancing shared use agreements and offers examples of shared use in urban, suburban, and rural settings. 

  Fact Sheet

Superintendents are the chief administrators for school districts. They work to implement the vision and policies that the school board establishes. Superintendents can play a critical role in supporting shared use.

  Model Policy

The purpose of this chapter is to encourage greater community involvement in the public schools and greater community use of public school facilities. 


This research brief makes the case as how joint use agreements work to address physical inactivity in the state of Louisiana. 


This research brief examines elementary school administrators’ reports of school participation in Safe Routes to School initiatives and estimated rates of active travel by students, as collected by surveys from administrators at nationally-representative samples of U.S. public elementary schools between the 2006-07 and 2012-13 school years.

  Fact Sheet

This resource was created to provide an example of shared use beyond the school setting. 

A middle school and high school bicycle safety curriculum for physical education teachers and recreation specialists

Bikeology is a ready-to-use bicycle-safety curriculum for physical education teachers and recreation specialists working with students in grades 6-12. 

  Model Policy

This shared use agreement of Hamilton County Board of Education's Community Use of Facility agreement allowing outdoor use of elementary school playgrounds when school is not in session. 


Joint use of public school facilities is a complex but manageable approach to efficiently enhancing the services and programs available to students and supporting the community use of public schools. 

  Model Policy

The Arkansas Joint Use Agreement (JUA) Grant is a competitive application process made possible and supported by Arkansas’ Governor Mike Beebe and the Arkansas Tobacco Excise Tax created by Arkansas Act 180 of 2009. 

  Fact Sheet, Research
National Center for Health Statistics

Key takeaways: Only ¼ of US youth ages 12-15 met national physical activity guidelines in 2012, and levels of physical activity differ by gender and weight status.

A Meta-Analysis

This systematic review and meta-analysis provides a quantitative estimate of the effectiveness of exercise training on fasting insulin and insulin resistance in children and adolescents.

  Report, Research

This report includes brief summaries of research on alcohol-involved driving, drug-involved driving, occupant protection, speed and other unsafe driving behaviors, motorcyclist safety, pedestrian and bicyclist safety, older driver safety, novice and young driver safety, fatigue and distraction, and emergency medical services. 

  Report, Research

This research is a companion to Applying Learning and Developmental Theories to Develop Safe Street-Crossing Behavior.  It includes a literature review of the developmental capacities of children ages 5 to 16 and associated learning theories, and discusses how this relates to teaching children how to ride bicycles safely.

  Model Policy

The NASBE State School Health Policy Database is a comprehensive set of laws and policies from 50 states on more than 40 school health topics. 

  Model Policy, Laws and Policies

This statute addresses use of school facilities for the youth and community during summer months and non-school hours to either support continuation, evening and community education programs.


States and communities are considering policy and environmental strategies, including enacting legislation, to reduce and prevent childhood obesity. One legislative approach has been to create task forces to understand key issues and develop a course of action.