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Page 38 of 105 pages. This page shows results 741 - 760 of 2088 total results.
  Journal Article

Abstract: The commentary suggests two primary policy issues that must be addressed nationally. 

  Fact Sheet

The Safe States Alliance is a national non-profit organization whose mission is to serve as the national voice in support of state and local injury and violence prevention professionals engaged in building a safer, healthier America. 

Preventing Violence and Promoting Healthy Eating and Active Living

The publication makes a compelling case for embedding safety strategies into community efforts to promote healthy eating and physical activity. 


The report, Obesity and its Relation to Mortality and Morbidity Costs, prepared by Donald Behan and Samuel Cox of the Society of Actuaries, is a review of almost 500 research articles on obesity and its relation to mortality and morbidity, focusing primarily on papers published from January 1980 to June 2009. 

Status of Physical Education in the United States

The purpose of this Shape of the Nation Report is to provide current information about the status of physical education in each of the 50 states and the District of Columbia in the following areas:

Recommendations for Research Plan and Product Development

This is a 15-year plan for pedestrian safety research and technology transfer. It was developed to address pedestrian safety concerns and equip professionals and other stakeholders with proper knowledge, resources, and information needed to identify problems and implement solutions related to the roadway environment. 


School environments that support active commuting best encourage young people’s participation in different types of physical activities. 

  Journal Article

The America Needs Complete Streets report written by Dan Burden and Todd Litman was published in the April 2011 edition of ITE Journal. 

  Report, Research

Key takeaway:

  • The inclusion of equity as a stated goal is emerging in pedestrian and bicycle plans across the country. This report recommends that plans include more details about the process of defining equity and improving data for equity-related performance measures. 

Key takeaway:

  • The prevalence of biking and walking for transportation varies by different national datasets.
  Fact Sheet

In April 2011, the National Afterschool Association released physical activity standards for afterschool programs and summer camps, but many of the existing standards and policies lack clearly defined benchmarks. 


In this study, a school choice policy that decreased the overall distance from students’ residences to school was not associated with significant changes in active commuting. Even though commute distance is often associated with active travel to school, this study shows that other policies and education/engagement programs might 

Facilitator’s Guide to Engaging Middle School Youth

This guide offers practical tools for adult facilitators to support middle school students in the promotion of safe walking, bicycling, and public transit use to and from school. Student-led campaigns can generate enthusiasm and improve the social conditions for a Safe Routes to School program!



Regular participation in physical activity and higher levels of physical fitness have been linked to improved academic performance and brain function, including attention and memory.


Factors associated with motor-vehicle collisions involving child pedestrians may differ by mid-block or intersection location, which may be an important consideration for safe walks to school.


Perceptions about safety and aesthetics of the neighborhood environment can influence physical activity in children and adults.


Key Takeaway:

  • School policy to support shared use and SRTS can promote student safety and reduce school administrators’ liability concerns.
  Fact Sheet

The Active Transportation Program (ATP) is a statewide grant program that encourages bicycling and walking, especially for children traveling to school and for residents of disadvantaged communities.


Key takeaway: Exposure to bullying may be a barrier to biking and walking to school.


Aspects of the built environment, including residential density, intersection density, and neighborhood walkability, are associated with increased walking and biking among teens.